Title: The 7 Principles of Swiss Democracy

Alternative names: SwissDem7, SDEM7, Sdem7, SwissDemocracy7, swissdem7, sdem7

Github: https://github.com/citizenthinker/swissdem7/

Version: 1.0

Website: https://thedemocracyupgrade.org/swissdem7


We do not live in democracies. Switzerland is the only democracy in the world. Let’s bring it to the world.

This is a legal snippet to define the most important aspects of Switzerland’s political system. The Swiss Political system defined in code.

Article 1: People’s Veto Power

1.1 Citizens shall possess the inherent right to challenge and reject legislation through the People’s Veto Power, also known as Optional Referendums.

1.2 The People’s Veto Power shall enable citizens to initiate referendums to reject laws passed by government bodies at the federal, regional, and local levels.

1.3 To initiate a People’s Veto, a minimum of 0.06% of eligible voters’ (for example, 50k in a population of 8 million) signatures shall be required within a stipulated timeframe of 100 days of the time elapsed since the enactment of the contested legislation.

Article 2: Federalism and Decentralization

2.1 The governance structure shall embrace federalism, dividing powers between central, regional, and local governments to promote subsidiarity and local autonomy.

2.2 Regional and local governments shall have authority over matters within their jurisdiction, including education, healthcare, and infrastructure, fostering citizen engagement and accountability.

2.3 The principle of subsidiarity shall guide decision-making, ensuring that governance is conducted at the most decentralized level feasible, with the federal government retaining responsibility for national-affecting topics such as defense and monetary policy.

Article 3: Open Lists and Electoral Reform

3.1 Electoral systems shall employ open lists, allowing voters to choose individual candidates from any party in elections for legislative bodies.

3.2 Mixed Executive Government shall be implemented, with executive bodies comprising representatives from multiple political parties to foster collaboration and prevent monopolization of power.

3.3 Electoral reforms shall prioritize citizen empowerment and accountability, promoting diversity and responsiveness in representation.

Article 4: People Initiatives

4.1 Citizens shall have the right to propose new laws or amendments to existing legislation through People Initiatives, subject to a threshold of signatures to initiate referendums.

4.2 People Initiatives shall be permitted at the federal, regional, and local levels, providing citizens with a direct mechanism to influence governance and policy-making.

4.3 To initiate a People Initiative at the federal level, a minimum of 0.12% of eligible voters’ signatures shall be required within a stipulated timeframe of 100 days of the time elapsed since the enactment of the contested legislation.

Article 5: Constitutional Referendums

5.1 Any proposed changes to the constitution shall be subject to mandatory referendums, ensuring broad public participation and consensus-building in constitutional amendments.

5.2 Constitutional Referendums shall serve as a safeguard to uphold the principles of democracy and protect the fundamental rights of citizens.

5.3 The threshold for passing a constitutional amendment shall be set at a majority of valid votes cast in the referendum.

Article 6: Public Recalls

6.1 Public Recalls shall be available as a mechanism for citizens to remove elected officials who engage in misconduct or fail to represent the interests of their constituents.

6.2 The procedures for initiating and conducting public recalls shall be transparent and accessible, ensuring accountability and integrity in the democratic process.

6.3 To initiate a public recall, a minimum of 0.03% of eligible voters in the respective electoral district shall be required to sign a petition within a stipulated timeframe of 0.13% of the time elapsed since the official’s assumption of office.

Article 7: Mixed Executive Government

7.1 Executive bodies shall be structured to include representatives from multiple political parties, fostering inclusivity and collaboration in governance.

7.2 The composition of executive bodies shall be determined through negotiations among political parties, ensuring representation and balance of interests.

7.3 The distribution of ministerial positions among political parties shall be proportional to their respective strengths in the legislative bodies, ensuring equitable participation and decision-making.